
de wens om mama te worden

Ik weet dat het niet zomaar gezegd mag worden, maar heel af en toe vraag ik me af waarom mensen adoptie niet zien als een manier om "mama of papa" te worden. Ik veronderstel dat iedereen zijn eigen reden heeft, maar als ik dan dit lees, dan ken ik het daar alleen maar mee eens zijn .... het is de bedenking van een moeder die haar zoontje gadeslaagt tijdens het zwemmen.

As I sat there the word "elegiac" came to me. As though the scene was simultaneously a bittersweet ode to childhood and parenthood. But the definition of that word is more about sadness or death or loss. So elegiac is not quite right. But it's close.
I think this is why it's hard for me when people give up on having kids due to infertility and because "adoption is just not for them." Adoption is more complicated and it's harder (which is why the "just adopt" contingent drives me mad. Tell those people people that they'll need to shell out 20k plus, and have their entire lives scrutinized and then wait in limbo with no guaranteed time frame, and see how they feel about "just" doing anything.) As an adoptee I know that adoptive parents take on a special challenge. But so do parents with dyslexic kids, or ADD kids. Lots of kids present special challenges.

But to give up on being a parent (IF that's what you really want), to miss this opportunity to watch a child grow, to never have a child look to you with delight at their accomplishments - I can't stand that people will miss that experience. I realize this is very self-indulgent, because I am assuming that my view and my experience of parenthood is somehow universal. I realize everyone's experience is very different. . So I'll shut up soon.

But I do want to say one more thing. When I delight in my son; in his mannerisms, his expressions, his joy and his pride, it has nothing whatsover to do with the fact that he is genetically related to me. I can't even see myself in him anymore, although on occcasion I do see my husband. But that is not where my love comes from. Instead it comes from enjoying the uniqueness of this little person, with his own character, and his own features, and his own personal experiences. He is himself, and that is what is perfect to me.